Monday, September 24, 2007

Eat Well

I'd been feeling pretty smug about "cooking" Arthur's food for the last couple of weeks until I remembered hearing about the woman who writes a blog about cooking for her dog called "Fergus Food" - she actually prepares all of her dog's meals from scratch, and I'm talking REAL food, different every time, which she then posts pictures of for all to admire.

Some examples:

Chicken thighs, brown rice, canned pumpkin, bok choy, carrots and a dollop of plain, organic, whole fat yogurt.

Liver, tofu, whole wheat spaghetti, celery, carrots, chickpeas, cheddar cheese, a sprinkling of nutritional yeast, and a drizzle of flax seed oil.

Ahi tuna, whole wheat penne, swiss chard, bok choy, and a dollop of yogurt.

We should all eat so well.

*For whatever reason, the Fergus Food blog hasn't been updated since August 6, but the archives are very impressive.

Fergus Food

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